Give $10, get $10

When you refer another teacher to Ubindi, you both get $10 credit on Ubindi. All teachers are welcome — yoga, fitness, music, art, languages, ... and there's no limit to the amount of credit you can earn.
get paid

How it works


Share with teachers

Share your unique referral code with any teacher that might find Ubindi useful — it doesn't matter what they teach.

You can post in Facebook groups, send emails, texts or Whatsapp...


You Earn rewards

For every teacher that signs up on Ubindi from your link, you'll get a $10 credit on your account (that's a free month on the Essential plan).

There's no limit to how much credit you can earn.


 They get rewards too

As a welcome gift, the teacher you referred also gets $10 credit for a free upgrade of their own Ubindi account — thanks to you!